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Westmire Wired

2023-2024 Wakefield School Store!

How it works.....

At the store, using your blue tickets, you can purchase the prizes of your choice. When ordering with us, our team will come around during wolf time to deliver your prizes. When receiving them, the package will enclose a printed receipt with the date, your name, and your teacher's signature, assuring that the prize is yours, and the tickets are also yours. Store active after winter break!

Here are a few of our shop Items!

HW pass

25 tickets

This gives you a free night off from one class (Math HW Or ELA HW Or SS HW) Please note that homework passes are only for A,B students.

VINYL stickers

2 tickets

Fun stickers to put on your belogings

Teities dupes

8 tickets

A huge help to throw up your hair.

Here are a few of our shop Items!

Hershey Kisses

5 tickets for 4

Yummy Chocolate and a great deal!

Full sized air heads

5 tickets

Fun sized bars for a sweet treat!

Mechanical Pencils

5 Tickets

A easy way to get more pencils is to be kind and get tickets.

Shop by category


6 tickets

Fun charms for your shoes!

Sport Keychains

8 Tickets

A fun Key chain to use for your backpack, and many more!

Locker Magnets

6 Tickets

Inspirational Magnets to brigten up your day!

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